Sunday, July 21, 2013

Busy Day!

It's been a busy day at Bolay Farms.  As we were getting ready for church this morning~Handsome Man noticed that another Momma Cow was close to having her baby calf.  We figured that she would be done while we were at church and we would come home to a new calf.

However, I did "have" to ask the infamous question, "Have you ever had to pull a calf?"  He replied, "Yes, I have and now let's get on the road for church."  I'm still checking on her as we are leaving.  (I mean~I've been there before myself and know!)

We returned home following a great worship and time of fellowship with our church family - to find her still working on her important job.  Handsome Man decides it's time to check on her.  You got it~she was in need of assistance.  He tried to help her there (in the pasture) but she wouldn't have that, she got up and turned to give him the eye.  "I'm a little busy here!"  So to the barn we go...

I loved it~Handsome Man was so gentle walking her up to the barn.  I really love this guy!

Got her in the chute and time to pull!
I would say, "Ouch!"  She looked relieved!  Isn't it cute!!!!
First look ~
He lets them rest -
I think he deserves a treat -
She does too!
His favorite and it's not even his birthday!

After a nice rest -
It's time for some milk time.
Handsome Man helps some...(it has been quite a day).
Now it's Momma's turn~

Lovin' Summer & Cow Time!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a sweet post, Gina~ I'm getting back into blog land...
