Thursday, August 2, 2012

Back Home

We are home from a wonderful vacation.
We went to Alaska.
Yep, we went north to Alaska...
(Sorry, I don't sing well~not even on the blog.)

No... this post isn't completely about Alaska~
though I wish it were.
More on Alaska later...

We are home and it's back to work~
for Handsome Man.
Yep, that's me in the shadows
(it's cooler there!)
Corn's been picked here and it's time to move.
Please don't ask me the name of this place,
that's a blog in itself.  Someday...

Thought it would be nice for you to see the "Real Thing,"
a John Deere combine with a corn header.
It's much bigger than Nana's!
(And... a lot more expensive, too!)
Yep, Handsome Man's a happy farmer...
back on the farm.

It's always nice to get away.
And it's always nice to come home.
Alaska is a beautiful state.
The people we met and spoke with are very proud of their state.

Oklahoma is also, a beautiful state.
I am very proud of my state.
Handsome Man is also, very proud of his state.

as you can see...
not everyone is as proud...
This always makes me soooooo sad.
Why can't people keep our state a clean state?
Just pick up after yourself.

These cans were along the road.  Why do people throw their stuff out?  
What makes the first can (wait~it's not the can~it's the person!!!) even worse???  They took the time and the extra effort to stand it up in the middle of the road!  Really!!!  Oh by the way...Yes, I did stop and pick them up.  As I said, I'm proud of my state and want it to always look it's best.  So when others come, they can smile and remember our Oklahoma as a nice place to visit and want to come back.  We have beautiful lakes, plains, and hills.

By the way...
I never saw ANY trash floating in the ocean, OR in the town streets and walkways, OR along the roadways, OR along any of the hiking trails in Alaska.  Pristine!

Let's keep our state clean! 
(I know, I know... I sound like a commercial.)
Sorry, but...Really! 

Keep Our State Clean & Beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. I am constantly picking up cans along our property in Alabama and when I go horseback riding I always seem to collect cans. I hate to see cans anywhere along the road but really hate to see them on the trails. Glad your back from the North Country!
